Here are the weekly livestock market reports for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, for the week ended December 1, 2017, compiled by the Livestock Market News Service for all three states.
**This report will not be issued next week due to markets in all three states being closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday.**
AL Livestock Market Report:
AL Livestock Market Report
At Alabama Livestock Auctions for the week ended-December 01, 2017, receipts at 21 markets totaled an estimated 16,400 head compared to 0 last week and 18,264 a year ago. Compared to one week ago: No trends available due to most markets being closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Trade active, with good demand on feeders.
Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2
300-400 lbs*****163.00-187.00
400-500 lbs*****152.00-170.00
500-600 lbs*****140.00-160.00
600-700 lbs*****129.00-149.00
Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2
300-400 lbs*****138.00-160.00
400-500 lbs*****126.00-148.00
500-600 lbs*****117.00-142.00
600-700 lbs*****110.00-128.00
Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85 Percent Lean 850-1200 lbs*****50.00-55.00
Lean 85-90 Percent Lean 850-1200 lbs*****44.00-48.00
Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1500-2100 lbs*****72.00-77.00
FL Livestock Market Report:
FL Livestock Market Report
At Florida Livestock Auctions for the week ended-December 01, 2017, receipts at 10 markets 10,852 compared to Holiday last week and 11,888 a year ago. Compared to one week earlier, no trends available due to the markets being closed last week for the holiday.
Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2
300-400 lbs*****165.00-205.00
400-500 lbs*****145.00-175.00
500-600 lbs*****125.00-155.00
600-700 lbs*****125.00-135.00
Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2
300-400 lbs*****137.00-170.00
400-500 lbs*****129.00-150.00
500-600 lbs*****111.00-135.00
600-700 lbs*****
Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85 Percent Lean 850-1200 lbs*****45.00-52.00
Lean 85-90 Percent Lean 850-1200 lbs*****
Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1500-2100 lbs*****71.00-76.00
GA Livestock Market Report:
GA Livestock Market Report
At Georgia Livestock Auctions for the week ended-December 01, 2017, sold Cattle receipts at 20 markets 11,652 compared to N/S last week and 11,300 a year ago. No trends available due to markets being closed previous week for holiday.
Feeder Bulls: Medium and Large Frame 1-2
300-400 lbs*****160.00-190.00
400-500 lbs*****142.00-172.00
500-600 lbs*****132.00-155.00
600-700 lbs*****127.00-144.00
Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1-2
300-400 lbs*****132.00-155.00
400-500 lbs*****120.00-142.00
500-600 lbs*****117.00-133.00
600-700 lbs*****110.00-126.00
Slaughter Cows: Boning 80-85 Percent Lean 850-1200 lbs*****50.00-57.00
Lean 85-90 Percent Lean 850-1200 lbs*****45.00-51.00
Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 1500-2100 lbs*****73.00-80.00
The post Weekly Livestock Market Report appeared first on Southeast AgNET.